Gaining More Fans

Promote Your Music with These 7 Tips and Gain More Fans

Gaining new followers and fans is all about a consistent approach to promote your music.  It needs taking the time to reach out and engage with your followers. It is advisable to create valuable content, and keep up to date with media and marketing trends. By keeping your content topical and always looking to give something back to your followers and fans, you’ll be able to create a tribe of followers and gain new fans. These in turn will help push your brand to new audiences and keep you growing and expanding. Good luck! 

You’ve made your music, you’ve honed your skills and you’re now ready to share it with the wider world. But how do you get the reach you know your music deserves?

Well, our artist’s marketing guide will tell you how to get more followers and fans by knowing your audience, creating great content, moving with the times and involving your followers.

It will help you by creating an army of fans who’ll share and support your work from the very start.

Ma’ana Promote Your Music Tips 

  • Its imperative to know you audience
  • We look at how content is king
  • We are all human (we hope) and have a mouth
  • Look at what is working for others
  • Everyone loves a freebie
  • Make sure you up to date with your news
  • Relationships are key

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#1 Know your audience 

If you don’t know who your fans are, you won’t know how to talk to them, how to interact with them and how to get them involved in your music career.

Use analytic tools to find out where your fanbase is from – Facebook and Twitter pages will break down where your fans are from and a whole host of other useful data. While Pro Soundcloud accounts will take that a stage further and tell you how many listeners you had from Stockholm, Beijing and Chicago (for example) last week.

You could even just simply ask where they’re from on your social media pages, creating a conversation with your fans.

Get to know their demographics, find out which social media platforms you have more success on and look at how your rivals and competitors manage their pages and interactions. Music marketing is all about knowing how to promote your music, along with your audience by creating a conversation with them.

#2 Content is king 

In 2019, nothing speaks louder when it comes to music PR and plugging than well-produced content. Be that videos, interviews, gifs, mixes, behind-the-scenes footage, creating your own content is invaluable. Images work best as do infographics and interactive content like games, videos and animations.

Ask friends to help you out and design your content and if not, there are hundreds of agencies around – including ours – who’ll help design and orchestrate your content campaign. These range from simple tweets to guest blogs, bespoke gifs and more creating bespoke music PR packages.

And, as above, look around at what other artists are doing well and incorporate their strategy into your own.

[bctt tweet=”Digital music PR is all about knowing which #hashtags can boost your Twitter and Instagram posts!” username=””]

While re-posting popular memes and funny posts can help boost your social media stats, it’s important to have a good dose of original content in the mix to make yourself stand out from the competition and give you a unique edge.

#3 Talk more 

Creating killer content is pointless without interacting with your fanbase and creating a conversation.

To get the most out of your music marketing and promoting, ask questions on social media, be inquisitive and if you can, respond to every comment and question directly.

It’ll help build that relationship from the very start. And be consistent with your message and your delivery – post around the same time each day (or several times a day, if you can) and keep to the same style.

Sites like HootsuiteTweetDeck and CrowdBooster can help you coordinate your posts, while you can now schedule posts on Facebook allowing you to work days and weeks in advance. 

#4 Be aware

Look at other successful campaigns and don’t be afraid to use their techniques on your pages. Digital music PR is all about knowing which #hashtags can boost your Twitter and Instagram posts. As well as tagging in the relevant artists and pages on any Facebook posts.

#5 Give freebies and run competitions 

Everyone loves a freebie – be that a free mix, track, remix, tickets to your gigs. Another great tip is you can run a competition direct to your database and get them involved.

Ideally, ask them to sign up to your website and get their email address in return, or create a viral post by getting fans to like and share your post in return for the competition goodies.

If you have a Soundcloud page, sites like Artist Union and Hypeddit are a good way to gain followers – by offering a free download, those sites can help drive traffic to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Spotify at the click of a button. There are a host of sites out there that will help run your competition including Wishpond, Woobox, Pagemodo.

#6 Be relevant and topical 

Keep up to date with your industry news and try to be topical where it fits in with your brand. Look for memes that you can adapt for your own followers. Also comment on big news stories of the moment and keep your finger on the pulse. Few things move as fast as social media, so you’ll need to be able to move fast to keep up with your followers. Even better, if you can break news directly and go viral, that could be huge for your social media pages.

#7 Build partnerships 

Build an alliance with fellow bands, artists, producers and venues. Share their news and posts in return for them sharing your content and be supportive where you know you’re going to get that support returned. This should help you improve your reach and get you in front of a new audience.

We would love to hear your comments below. What tactics have you found success with?

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