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How to build your database

In this age of big-data spanning emails, phones and endless social media options, artists must be part of the new online revolution and build up their fanbase and database so you can market and PR your music.

Data for musicians, DJs, and producers essentially means email addresses, Facebook Likes, Apple Music, Spotify and Youtube followers, and growing your Twitter, Soundcloud, and Instagram accounts. 

It’s tried-and-tested ways that mean you can communicate directly with your fanbase and vice versa. Allowing you and them access to talk, share and ultimately make money from your music. And the most important of those are creating your website. Followed by developing your database as they’re the only ones you own. And once you have them, you can market and promote your music to your dedicated fans whenever you want. 

Email is the most important. 

While Facebook and Twitter followers are great, you’re essentially building your fanbase on someone else’s platform – and with Facebook changing their algorithms at will, you’re always one step behind when it comes to marketing on their platform. Increasingly, you have to pay for it. So take control and grow your email database, allowing direct communication with your email database and your website. 

There are many cheap options out there where bands, DJs and producers can create their website. Just check out services like Squarespace and Wix. You can upload anything, including videos, music, artwork, press pack, reviews, interviews, all your social media links and more and create a bespoke website in a matter of hours. 

Now set up a dedicated email account – either create your group in Gmail or sign up to a site like MailChimp, which will let you send customised emails to as many as 2,000 people for free. 

Build your database 

Once you have a website and email account, it’s time to start getting them working together. For example, you have music and content your fans want, and they have an email address you want. Create a sign-up option on your website to get an email address in return for a free download. Or you could give them an incentive to sign up, including:

  • exclusive access to advance tickets,
  • a meet-and-greet,
  • signed merchandise,
  • entering a competition
  • etc. 

Now you have your free sign up mechanism in place, shout about it on your social media channels. Get these channels working directly for you. Use your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels for advertising the free download if they sign up. You can even go old-school. Pass around a sign-up sheet or iPad at one of your gigs. Ask for email addresses and contact information that way.

Once you have your database, you need to look after it and not abuse it. For example, a monthly newsletter is an excellent idea to keep in touch with your fanbase – anything more than that can feel like spam and alienate your fans. Instead, give them exclusive access and content, including new interviews, behind-the-scenes news, free downloads, news, releases etc. and make them feel special. 

To find out more about music promotion, music marketing, how to promote your music and PR services, book in for a free PR consultation with our music industry experts at Ma’ana.  


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